=== The Official=== Would You Rather Thread

Welcome To
.:The Official:. Would You Rather Thread

Rules: One person posts up a “would you rather” question

The next person answers the question above AND makes up another “would you rather” question
[to keep the thread going…duh]

Would you buy a PC, or would you rather buy a mac?

would u rather have left or right?

Right… left is g-h-e-y

Would you rather have an underaged-asian, or a whitey? :wink:

i prefer them mixed

Would you rather stranded in antartica or the sahara dessert?
(?1st thing that came to mind)


would you rather have cheese or crackers

melted cheese.

would you rather prefer an M3 BMW, or a JDM SR20DET Datsun 510?:drivin

510 FTW!!!

genies or SNES

Sonic FTW

Would you rather lose an arm, or a leg?

left leg ( u can still use the clutch with a fake leg)

TNC or Tronto Nismo Club?


Britney spears or shakira? lol (hard one)

shakira hands down!!

S13 or S14


sr20det or KA-T?

CA …err KA-T then

Chico or lexie?

lexie of course shes my lil princess lol

stilletoes or sandles

stilletoes!!! mmmm sooo good

whats uglier 300 or a piece of shit

pos…i swear im gunna kill u rabbit

would u rather be a shot rabbit…or a roadkill rabbit

shifty Better watch what I say…

POS of course!

Edit: Shot Rabbit!

Punch in the face, or kick in the nads?

face .

whos better shorteaz or god ?/

Not fielding that one!

Kick in the nads is easier to recover from than punch in face!

gabe didnt post a question so im starting a new one.

would you rather choose the left and get killed by shorteaz or choose the right and get killed by alex? lol :smiley: