^, <, V

OK. Let’s play a game.

And if you are not going to take a minute to do this then there is no point to you posting here and being an ass.

^ = Answer the question of the poster above you
< = Tell us something about yourself.
V = Ask a question for the next person to answer.

Here’s mine:

^ There’s no question for me to answer since I’m the first

< I’m excited for the Bandits game on Sunday!

V Pizza Hut or Dominoes?

^ pizza hut

< havin a cold sucks

V will u buy me a car?

^If you sell my house I will

<trying to breed crayfish right now

V Will gas hit $4 a gal. by July 1st?


^Doesn’t know how to play the game

<Can’t sleep.

v How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

^ Let’s find out

< Hates his car

v Mac or PC?

^ PC for now

< cant wait to get his car on the road in the next week or so

V Mighty Taco or Taco Bell?

^Mighty all the way

< leaving for Cancun in an hour because he won a free trip back at spring break in march :slight_smile:

V Simpsons or Family Guy?

^simpsons all the way!

<LEaves for mass. tomarow for a snocross banquet…also picking up my 2003 yami r6

V Extreme sports(snowboarding,snocross,skating ect…) or stick and ball sports (football ect…)

^ extreme sports all the way

< just ordered my new bike :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

V West Necca or Hamburg lol

^ west necca

< cant sleep

V do you like big banana’s?

^ I love Big Bananas

< Waxing the 911 right now

V Whiskey or Rum

^ Rum.

< Wasting 5-10 minutes of my only spare time for the next 2 weeks.

v Anyone else graduating in a couple weeks?

^ No I’m already graduated

< My foot is asleep

V Are you going to the Bandits game tomorrow?

^ nope, sabres playoffs baby, get your priorities straight :wink:

< about to go to the bank to get 2.5RS #2

V sabres in 4 or 5 games?

^ neither… philly in 6 :stuck_out_tongue:

< hopes the roof doesn’t fall off his z06 :stuck_out_tongue:

V what did you eat this morning?

^ haven’t eaten yet.

< didn’t sleep for shit last night

V Alkaline Trio or OLP?


< Needs a new front bumper for his jeep

V M & Ms or Skittles?

^ M&M’s

< I had a chance to get tickets to tonights game

V Pushrods or OHC?

^ Pushrods

< I’m going to Mondays game

V Turbo or Supercharger