The "Oh, sh!t" moment of the day...

Cliffs: Airbus in crosswind landing in Germany, drags wingtip.

“lean wit it, rock wit it”

oh, and everytime I see the Lufthansa all i can think of is euthanasia.

that cross windshit is not something to play with …what a pic

GEEZ turn the treadmill OFF!

same here…but ever fly Lufthansa? Sexy German flight attendants FTW


Airline spokesman Wolfgang Weber said the plane was rocked by wind clocked at 155 mph as it tried to land.

Holy shit, now that is a fucking crosswind!

I’ve had some rough landings on German domestic airlines (Gexx), but this is nuts.

Not sure why the airport would even have a runway open that was 90 degrees to crosswinds that strong.

all i can think of is euthanasia.


wow, that’s insane. I’ve always been impressed with the skill involved in landing a plane with a nasty crosswind. Takes some serious know how.

so the left side passengers crapped their pants first when their wing scraped. Then the right side had their chance after their wing scraped.

But it wasn’t enough, take off and try it again! With damaged wings.

The germans should just stick with what they know. The seemed to do a really efficient job transporting people in trains.

  1. when do you see 155mph crosswinds… Hurricanes/tornados
  2. there is a maximum allowable crosswind pilots are able to land in … and its like 15-20 knots… Anything higher and they either try to circle the airport and wait for better conditions or divert

And thankfully modern planes use JP-8 or that would have been one hell of a fireball


Airline spokesman Wolfgang Weber said the plane was rocked by wind clocked at 155 mph as it tried to land.

I had assumed it was a gust.

A Lufthansa jet carrying 131 passengers was caught by gusting wind as it tried to land during a storm.



OK, I laughed. But I feel bad about it.



it has to be a typo… or someone is exaggerating. I’ve been in the cockpit when we got hit with an estimated 50mph gust… and we had some serious issues. 155mph that plane would be no where near that runway


It twas an airline spokesman, which could mean it was anybody from the secretary to the marketing agent. :gotme: