The "Oh, sh!t" moment of the day...

very true.

sorry for getting worked up :frowning: damn news

I was thinking the same thing when I read it. No way a commerical airliner comes out of a 155 mph sideways wind gust that close to the ground on final approach. Plus, watch the video. Had that been a 155 mph gust do you really think the camera guy would still have been standing and keeping the camera on target and in focus? He’d be tumbling down the field.

Ok I did watch the video… looks like it was about 20-35 sustained and that wicked gust was about 60 to 70 (still impressive though) great pilot for not panicking and forcing it down

maybe it was 155 Kmph. ?!?!

Awesome vid :tup: And yeah, not easy to manhandle those. Pilot probably went into the bar after the debrief and bought a bottle :lol:

Anytime that you think you have a stressful job…

Seriously. I was strongly considering applying. Until One landing, I said fuck it I’m not going to bother. Quite possibly the scariest thing ever.