you ever feel like......

taking the day off from work, going to the airport at whatever time you’re supposed to be going into work (730am for me) and just flying somewhere for the day and returning home that night?


:shrug: well i do, especially when its shitty weather out and that damn country song have a beer in mexico is on the radio


Hells yeah. I met a guy at the airport in Atlanta once who does just that. He’s retired, so in his retirement he’s a steward so that when he’s not working he can fly anywhere for free on his airline. He said he pretty routinely will hop on a flight to Cleveland, meet his buddies for happy hour, then fly home in time to beat his wife home from work. :rofl:

i kind of want to now. florida anyone?

sorry im going to NC for the weekend.

altho over half the fun of a trip for me is the drive…

yes im drivng 22 hours to spend less then 48 in NC lol


i kind of want to now. florida anyone?


I woudlen’t mind some rock n roller coaster action in orlando.


I woudlen’t mind some rock n roller coaster action in orlando.


set up a meet :wave:

I am getting pretty sick of flying all over the country…

everday. You think hyponotherapy would work? , kinda like in officespace just gettin zonked out so you think youve been fishin all day

when i pass the airport exit on the thruway… and see people getting off. i picture myself hiding in their trunk. gonig to where ever they are going.

so yes i think like this :wink:


then fly home in time to beat his wife


For some reason thats all I read…

I totally missed the “home from work” part.

I can just picture a guy jumping on a plane just so he acan beat his wife…


yes im drivng 22 hours to spend less then 48 in NC lol


were the hell you starting from that it takes 22hours to get to NC?

Yes,I’d be down for that…i’ve never been on a plane.Since I get random days off I could spend the night.

This could potentially result in an adventure full of all kinds of awesome. I’ve always wanted to randomly go on a trip

It doesnt take 22 hours to get to NC, i got to Orlando in 19 stopping 4 times

Yes. But I would never come back.


were the hell you starting from that it takes 22hours to get to NC?


11 each way. :slight_smile: