100km/hr = 100kilometers traveled in 1 hour or 200kilometers traveled in 2 hours
200km/hr = 200kilometers traveled in 1 hour or… 100kilometers traveled in 30minutes.
The only time going faster doesn’t get you some place faster is if you make alot of stops.
In either case that 5-10minutes coming home earlier can make a difference between you having a shitty drive from work/traffic vs relaxing after a busy day at work. I’m pretty pissed when I end up driving 1 hr what should take me 15minutes because of incompetent drivers and rush hours/jams, etc…
The problem is not speed but the whole system as I’ve been complaining about for the last 3 some years. The roads suck and are garbage… the system sucks and is garbage. No I can’t make a difference but at least I can voice my opinion. The government will never approve something that doesn’t make them money.