NEW laws in effect starting Sept 30 , 2007

This is the real deal …

Racing, stunts, etc., prohibited
172. (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway in a race or contest, while performing a stunt or on a bet or wager. 2007, c. 13, s. 21.
(2) Every person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than $2,000 and not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both, and in addition his or her driver’s licence may be suspended,
(a) on a first conviction under this section, for not more than two years; or
(b) on a subsequent conviction under this section, for not more than 10 years. 2007, c. 13, s. 21.
Police to require surrender of licence, detention of vehicle
(5) Where a police officer believes on reasonable and probable grounds that a person is driving, or has driven, a motor vehicle on a highway in contravention of subsection (1), the officer shall,
(a) request that the person surrender his or her driver’s licence; and
(b) detain the motor vehicle that was being driven by the person until it is impounded under clause (7) (b). 2007, c. 13, s. 21.

Administrative seven-day licence suspension
(6) Upon a request being made under clause (5) (a), the person to whom the request is made shall forthwith surrender his or her driver’s licence to the police officer and, whether or not the person is unable or fails to surrender the licence to the police officer, his or her driver’s licence is suspended for a period of seven days from the time the request is made. 2007, c. 13, s. 21.

Administrative seven-day vehicle impoundment
(7) Upon a motor vehicle being detained under clause (5) (b), the motor vehicle shall, at the cost of and risk to its owner,
(a) be removed to an impound facility as directed by a police officer; and
(b) be impounded for seven days from the time it was detained under clause

Definition of STUNT DRIVING
Few interesting sections, for the stunt driving!!
3 (2) wheelies on a MC
3 (6) Driving while not in the driver’s seat (postal deliveries?)
3 (7) 50km above limit
8 (iv) turn left on a solid green

Ontario Regulation 455/07
Definition, “stunt”
3. For the purposes of section 172 of the Act, “stunt” includes any activity where one or more persons engage in any of the following driving behaviours:

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to lift some or all of its tires from the surface of the highway, including driving a motorcycle with only one wheel in contact with the ground, but not including the use of lift axles on commercial motor vehicles.

  2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.

  3. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to spin it or cause it to circle, without maintaining control over it.

  4. Driving two or more motor vehicles side by side or in proximity to each other, where one of the motor vehicles occupies a lane of traffic or other portion of the highway intended for use by oncoming traffic for a period of time that is longer than is reasonably required to pass another motor vehicle.

  5. Driving a motor vehicle with a person in the trunk of the motor vehicle.

  6. Driving a motor vehicle while the driver is not sitting in the driver’s seat.

  7. Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit.

  8. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by,

i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing,

ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so,

iii. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to drive, without justification, as close as possible to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object on or near the highway, or

iv. making a left turn where,

(A) the driver is stopped at an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal system in response to a circular red indication;

(B) at least one vehicle facing the opposite direction is similarly stopped in response to a circular red indication; and

© the driver executes the left turn immediately before or after the system shows only a circular green indication in both directions and in a manner that indicates an intention to complete or attempt to complete the left turn before the vehicle facing the opposite direction is able to proceed straight through the intersection in response to the circular green indication facing that vehicle. O. Reg. 455/07, s. 3

nothing wrong with that from a legislative standpoint.

i’m not saying i think there is anything wrong with wheelies, speeding or burnouts… i expect no less over the course of day in fact, but i can perfectly understand why laws like those above have to exist.

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.
    lol if u cant drift then dont!!

  2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to spin it or cause it to circle, without maintaining control over it.

if u aint in control u out of control!!!

“3 (6) Driving while not in the driver’s seat (postal deliveries?)”
ghost ridin

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.

LOL so drifting is stunt driving! pffftt thank god its not street racing

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to spin it or cause it to circle, without maintaining control over it.

YES, this eliminates idiots from doing donuts and saying they are drifting, make sure you are circling around a pole, but then your still losing traction so they’ll get you with that

and what about street racing ? these are traffic-act laws, anyone seen the criminal one yet ? or is this all there is to racing:

    1. (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway in a race or contest, while performing a stunt or on a bet or wager. 2007, c. 13, s. 21.

I dont see a ‘causing death’ in these…

stunt driving or street racing… doesnt make a diff

these are all the things that they can use as an excuse to impound your car for 10 days or suspend your license for 10 days an on the spot

the most retarded thing about it is that speeding 50km/h over is considered a stunt

What if…

say you got a speeding ticket last year Dec for 200km/h on the 407… your court date isnt till Oct 16… which is AFTER this new law goes into effect… would your conviction be according to this new law or the law that was in effect when the offence was commited???

Hypotheticaly speaking of course :confused:!

it’s not ex post facto

in otherwords it can’t be used retroactively

Reading laws like this and knowing they will be enforced make me appreciate lapping days and auto-x that much more. At least we still have ways to enjoy the thrill of making our cars go fast.

i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing,

ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so,

iii. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to drive, without justification, as close as possible to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object on or near the highway, or

My 3 favourite things to do are now illegal =(

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.
    -ok this is getting good now.
    RWD in winter is going to be interesting. Kick the back while in a corner and you can get suspended, I guess it’s all up to the officer you dealing with.

  2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.
    -Bald tires + rain will cause this to happen, guys with BB turbo or ka-t , take it easy, buy a extra thick carpet so that you can only go 10 to 20% trottle while moving from a traffic light.
    Last year my ka-t used to do that in the dry and was not drivable in the wet LOL

All I got to say guys is to take it easy, I am sure police officer are dying to book someone to set an example right now.
Try to do most of the racing at the track, driving 1 or 2 hours away to the track is far but it will be all worth it so long that you dont have to get caught racing on the street.

man i’ve done that slowing down thign sooo many times back in highschooll… coming to complete stops with a friend in the next lane during rush hour on busy streets… oh man that was hilarious.

Sliding on purpose is one thing, but sliding because your tires are bald is just straight ghetto, especially on a turbo car. How do you afford boost if you can’t afford decent rubber?

Because boost eats lots of rubber.
You usually start noticing that your tires are getting bald after driving in the rain, LOL

dam stunt mans…this refers to drifting lol nothing else… ahaha what if u understeer, does that count as loss of traction while turning?

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.

F*** this, I am really starting to think about selling my car now.

What’s the point of having fast cars then? spending all this money buying parts, building motor and all is all pointless.
Guys like me only go to the track about 3 or 4 times a year since it’s so damn far away. Not economical in my book.
Maybe I should just buy a versa or something. reliable, quiet and with working AC.

Dont mind me, I am just venting some frustration.

dunnville is only an 1.5 hours from toronto

most guys with “typical” turbo setups (ie: stock sr with boost turned up) can drive there, lap, and drive home on the same tank of gas.

not including tires and brakes its a $200 day at most and its more fun than you can ever have on the street.

its common sense that the government would make this a law.

winter scenario: so i guess they want drivers in rwd cars, to lose control and just crash instead of regaining control back, since it would be considered stunt driving.

what about all those brown people and old asian people that drive like 70 merging on to the highway? (blocking everyone and slowing down traffic?) will they now get a ticket for stunt driving? and the people that purposely slow down in the right lane, when someone is trying to merge onto the highway from the onramp?

  1. Driving a motor vehicle while the driver is not sitting in the driver’s seat.

there is no longer a point in owning a car

I wonder if forcing another car to obey the law in the form of blocking them from passing on the shoulder is considered stunt driving.
I make it a point to stop every douchebag on the paved shoulder trying to get ahead of me in rush hour traffic. If any of you pass on the paved shoulder in rush hour, I hope you and your offspring die a horrible death.