The "Oil Prices" thread.

the money is not really the issue. An extra couple bucks at the pump is not really the point. I just really want this country to pull itself out of this mess, and by being able to get sub 4.00/gallon gas, my hopes are still very alive that it is “working” or “getting better”, so I am glad to see crude go down, cause this means that 3.99 will likely turn back to 3.95 the next few days, and at least it is holding steady there, and hopefully will for some time, if not decrease.

yeah I pay 4.150 for gas in the Z usually. Hoping that is gonna go back down below 4.00 soon.

Oil has to hold these drops before you can start hoping for change in gas prices.

I know I know

wishful thinking though. I am trying to be as optomistic as possible

for you maybe. 4.45ish here :frowning:


i was gonna post this: Oil prices fell as much as $6 a barrel Tuesday, bringing crude down $10 this week and hurling prices back to levels not seen since June 26. Traders, keeping a wary eye on the global economy, cashed in gains from oil’s recent rally

Looks like it will settle down $5.33 for the day to $136.04 a barrel. :tup:

Lets see what the rest of the week brings. The government inventory report will come out tomorrow and it’s expected to show decreased US demand over the 4th. If that holds true maybe we’ll see steady price drops tomorrow too.

It be nice to just have katrina prices back at 3.50 a gallon

I’m not buying gas again until oil is back at $20/barrel

I hope you have enough left to hit 88 miles per hour…

I must say, my bike has been great for getting around lately. I drive back and forth to work and thats about it. 20 minute bike ride to the gym, tops and target are nearly across the street, wegmans maybe a 10-15 minute ride. seems like everywhere has bike racks now too.

well, I havent been in my car in over a month now…

oh yeah, the oil slide was short lived. Iran just test fired a long range missile. They are clever.

those idiots are gonna get much more than they can handle.

You mean money right? They’re going to get more money than they can handle.

Think we’ll see $150 today?


Gen. Hossein Salami,the navy commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying the exercise would “demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with a harsh language.”

:rofl: “General Salami” :biglol: I wonder if captain boloney reports to him?

“Captain capicola…Leutenant Ham wants you to report to General Salami asap”

Further proof that bad news sells (as if we needed more proof).

The last two days as oil slid $9 you had to go into the business section of to see any news about it. It goes up $2 today and it makes the main page.

The drop in prices was more than likely just the traders cashing in their gains.

Now, let the price climb continue…

I predict oil closes at $146.13 today.

im going with $144.81