The "Oil Prices" thread.

Heh. One of those rare insanely busy days at work. Down .75 is fine with me considering the war zone around Russia’s major supply line.


Oil $115.60 +$1.15

And it’s back down again. As stated a couple pages back the trend is going to be downward with small spikes based on world events.

This, assuming the dollar doesn’t tank causing investors to once again flock to oil.

Oil $113.45 -$1.00


thanks sir :tup:

glad to see its down to about +/- $1.00 per day. No $5 dollar swings latley.

lets hope the inventory report today shows more than expected. :ohnoes:


My dad had to go to PA yesterday. He said gas there is $3.65

Oil $113.40 -$2.60

excellent, the ass station near me is at 3.95

Valero thursdays FTW

this guy speaks the truth!

Plus they removed the $75 limit on credit card transactions. Having to do 2 swipes was really depressing.

3.58 the other day on the rez.

what is it? :gotme:


5 cents off all grades.

where might this magical place be?

main and kensington, at the 290 main st. exit/corner of my street

main and kensington, at the 290 main st. exit/corner of my house.