The OMFG my head hurts thread.

Howie… i hate you.

that is all

so does anyone elses head hurt?

just took some medicine to cure that…urgh

i feel great.

Yeah… Last night was a ton of drinking… wait Yesterday was a ton of drinking. The worst is that we had a case of red bull, a 1.75 of vodka, and the same of jager. That shit hurts in the morning, esp when followed by like 8 beers.

ok back to cleaning grrr…

yeah, i’d be all uppity about my non-drinking and feeling great


i drank a shitload of crown and well, i feel fine now :slight_smile:

you people got up early, i am still in pain

No hangover here. Mega Men Multivitamin FTW :slight_smile:

No headache here but I did start my inner ass hair on fire because of the absynth when I farted.

those help… but seriously, that chaser shit they have at GNC was pretty much the only thing that prolly kept me alive enough to feel fine for work at 5:30


that crap was nasssssty.

and i just got to buffalo… holla at your boi :slight_smile:

< Was still drinking at 5:30am.

Mine feels fine,I feel a shit coming on soon though.