The ONLY way to bowl... micah ??

that’s kinda why i dont like airport…plus with wooden lanes they need more oil to protect the lanes since they break down a lot faster…meaning my balls get soaked…

when i say the “shot is easy/difficult” i’m referring to oil patterns. more oil = less hook, less oil = more hook, that’s the obvious. but the pattern most houses use regularly is compared to a christmas tree. drier towards the gutters, and gradually more oil as you move from the gutters toward the center of the lane. this results in the ball hooking back a lot if you throw it out too far to the gutter, thus still coming around the pocket…or on the other hand, if you pull it in too much, it won’t dive in and go high…but rather will slide in the extra oil, still finding the pocket.

a good/difficult shot will vary in oil patterns. i’ve seen some pretty tough shots that were just the opposite of what i described in the christmas tree pattern…where near the gutters was soaked in oil, so if you push it just a bit too far out, it’s gutterz for you…or if you pull it in at all, it dives right through the nose or crosses over. for a shot like this i dunno how i’d approach it…get a very reactive ball and throw it straight up the gutter in the oil with no arch at all, or get a less reactive ball, line up way left, and just pound the dry mid-section of the lane…throwing it from the left gutter, getting the ball out to just the right of the headpin (so as to stay in the dry and avoid the massive oil on the outside of the lane), and having the ball turn into the pocket from there…

the shots for teen classics at thruway were not easy. and i know i have seen you bowl during those.

i shot very well at airport during school matches and two random tourneys.

well yeah for any “classic” league they’re gonna put down a decent shot…but i’m saying just for open bowling. i dont know of any places right now that once a week put out a sport shot. i know some houses during the summer use to a certain night of the week…

teen classic had some hard shots, but some super easy ones too…i remember some weeks needing 850+ to qualify…for highschoolers that shouldn’t be the case lol.

i bowled in the wed night all stars at thruway while it was still around
, and that was always a good shot…not good for my nerves, but good for a bowler trying to get better. i think that league folded last year though, the one at transit lanes took off and everybody went there instead.

actually we all went to tonawanda cause they payout was double what thruway was and it was on the same night

oye i have so much to learn lol

although i know what u mean, its just, sometimes i dont know what correction i need to make after i throw some shitty shots

plus im using some old ball, but at least it hooks and isnt a lane ball, im BALLIN now

edited lol

i use to coach saturday morning leagues and coached my highschool team after i graduated for a few years…

you buy the games and drinks, i’ll provide some knowledge:beer2:

lol tunerfreak

and 90 i dont feel like paying for knowledge just yet, im not THAT srs about it… yet…

i will prolly go bowling with doug heim if anyone though -