

and that’s after the curve…

call me next time… assholes… i wanna bowl


treads u know u LOVE IT u already TOLD ME

90 - u are JEALOUS!




treads u know u LOVE IT u already TOLD ME

90 - u are JEALOUS!


with the exception of TunerFreak, i will pwn any board member on the alleys…

born in Cheektowaga, it’s in my blood…

guess what WDC!

whoo juan?

synthetic lanes suck dick.

i enjoyed the old lanes

and their animations are fucking awesome

i hoep you have your own balls.

thats poo in the rentals’ finger holes ya know


synthetic lanes suck dick.

i enjoyed the old lanes


you sir, are wrong…

synthetic = more consistent conditions, slower breakdown of lane…less requirement to make adjustments along the way…

old fashioned wood required more oil to maintain, thus destroying balls faster too…

but, to each his own…


you sir, are wrong…

synthetic = more consistent conditions, slower breakdown of lane…less requirement to make adjustments along the way…

old fashioned wood required more oil to maintain, thus destroying balls faster too…

but, to each his own…


blah blah i know all the technical shit. i just enjoyed the wood lanes there better.

edit-im used to throwing real deep there. noooooooooo sir not anymore.


you sir, are wrong…

synthetic = more consistent conditions, slower breakdown of lane…less requirement to make adjustments along the way…

old fashioned wood required more oil to maintain, thus destroying balls faster too…

but, to each his own…


just when i thought you couldn’t get any gayer.

you sir, never cease to amaze… :mamoru:

micah, about 1 minute in I’m all like “I’m going to rip him apart on this, this is so fucking lame.” however here I find myself unable to do so, I think, maybe, I was entertained?

yeah that rocked

altough I am going to have to say, cuv bowls with way more style then you micah

it’s the glasses.



I am going to have to say, cuv bowls with way more style then you micah


and don’t FORGET IT.

-KCuv, Babaayyyy

[quote=“K Cuv,post:17,topic:40194"”]


and don’t FORGET IT.

-KCuv, Babaayyyy


hahaha u may bowl with more style, but i bowl with more HEART damnit



greenbull = greenbowl?