The Pet thread

Aw this thread made me cry. One of the dogs I mentioned in here died. :frowning:
Dirk. In our old apartment. He ripped up the floor. Oops.
Dirk over the summer. And Zoey, my seacow Rott. No relation.
Sage! My snow kitty. <3

My fleet, sorry for the crappy cell pics. First up is Cat. Got her from a family with to many pets, they didn’t take care of her. Shes about 4 now.

Next up is Cinnamon, we raised him from when he was a little kitten.

Last up is Samantha. We got her from the SPCA 2 years ago. She is nine and defiantly a great dog. This is when she came in after playing out in the rain and the mud.

my mom makes him do this

he’s the best 20 dollars we have ever spent