the poop shoot (pics)

yea keep it on the DL

It looks really good for cardboard and toothpicks


rolling shot are sick

It depresses me that I see you drive this thing more than the termi… :’(

I drive the termi, not nearly as much tho, mainly because it costs me at least 10 dollars in gas every time i get in it. The coupe is a blast to drive, plus i get 30 mpg so, unless im doing something that calls for a lot of HP or its a nice sunny day ill drive the poop. However once is gets real hot out ill drive the mustang a lot more cause it has a/c.

Ill be driving the termi a lot this weekend tho 83 DEG FTW

innerfoolers FTW

i haz one

innerfoolers FTW

i haz one

interfoolerx FTW


I HAZ 2 TOO:excited

nobody cares

whoa whoa we know who the true ‘poop car’ is. Its trademarked, dont steal it ha.

ppl on this site have been calling it that since I bought it. they have never even seen the other coupe.

ok thats true, was about to sue you for copyright son! jkkkkkk… car looks good as usual

wow a.j. back from the dead…

Copyright infringment on the poop, price reduced to $3400…

not for sale bud, take your 3400 and fix your bustang

Way to answer your texts tool



im over this month, so you will have to wait till tomorrow and find out FOOL