the R/T gets a$s

Your Problem is you put the Pussy on a Pedstal

Quote stolen from The 40 Year Old Virgin for humor uses only nothign towards Beck :slight_smile:


She sure is.I told you.

i-i-i don’t put the pussy on a pedestal…

you know how i know you’re gay? you drive a maxima.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH, This is going to turn into a " Ya know how I know your gay" thread… and honestly I can’t wait

you know how i know you’re gay?

you made a new troll account today…to use on the weekends.

You know how I know that You’re gay? You won’t steet race…


that means i am cool and hi-jack tractor trailers in the middle of the desert with my buddy Dom Terretto

im kicking myself in the ass for even posting this now :banghead:

you know how i know you’re gay?

you’re flexible enough to kick your own ass. i bet your boyfriend loves it.

haa haaaaa


hahaha i even gotta laugh at that one. leave it to beck to be creative.

They couldn’t find anyone good looking? Damn Falls chicks…

i think this thread is headed in the right direction!

haha, beck.

i dont even consider myself an ex honda owner.i forgot about it…but, maybe that really IS the reason :lol: