the race to build REALLY cheap cars

I’ve very against tarriff’s as a way to bail out the american auto industry as it exists today. The competition they’re getting from Toyota and Honda is coming from cars built right here in the US. Their problems today are because of union deals made in the past, and it’s not the government’s to tax us to pay for GM and Ford’s past mistakes.

But, on the other hand, you can’t allow companies to start selling cars in this country that were made by people making .50 an hour.

You need a multi-prong approach to fix the US auto industry.

  1. Big time union busting.
  2. Goverment is going to have to help out with the pensions, with concessions coming from the retires in exchange for the financial stability of their retirement plan.
  3. Tarriffs to allow a reasonable wage/benefits plan.
    No pension, welcome to investing in a 401k like the rest of us.
    No “free” health care, welcome to contributing a portion.
    No 60k+ a year for standing at a stamping machine.