India's $2500 car

Company Chairman Ratan Tata, introducing the Nano — price tag $2,500 — during India’s main auto show, drove onto a stage in a white version of the tiny four-door subcompact, his head nearly scraping the roof.
With a snub nose and a sloping roof, it can fit five people — if they squeeze. And the basic version is spare: there’s no radio, no passenger-side mirror and only one windshield wiper. If you want air conditioning to cope with India’s brutal summers, you need to get the deluxe version.

  • Not going to ever want to be in a situation like that :eyebrow:

Heard this on the radio this morning, just as I expected the car would look like. :meh:

Say hello to $5/gal gasoline.

I will use this thread to rant(once again).
Maybe once the UAW is affected by countries like Inida and China something will be done but for now no one gives a flying fuck about my company or its employees.
That is all for now.:slight_smile:

2 cylinder with 33 HP and it only gets 50 MPG? Aren’t there imports that get close to that on the highway with a 4?
I’d totally take a 7 or so year old used car for my $2500, but thats just me.

the problem lies in that india dosent have the overload of “old 2500 dollar cars”

most of the population travels by train or moped.

the important point here is that the middle class in india can afford and needs a small cheap car to commute and raise a family with.

the world is modernizing around us. but who knows how much oil is going to be left for everyone.

its india

i mean who cares right?

now that would never come over here b/c of no air bag right??

and its a death trap

Title it as a motorcycle?

Can the government be forced to protect you anymore?

I hope they sell a million here and all the dumb people that buy them and get hit by a Tahoe and die try to sue and don’t get a dime.

Maybe the government should regulate so much and let the consumer make a decision for themselves and be responsible for it? No?

Awh It would be cool to see them here though right?> :eyebrow:

IB4 turbo 'Busa swaps :snky: :lol:

god damn TATA is such a huge company.

i don’t even really care about the car, just sayin’ TATA does everything.

And now India will become a poor overpopulated country air pollution. :tdown:

i love tatas

I’m totally going to market “Show me your Tatas” shirts in India now! :headbang:

No one’s gonna go down the gas price road huh?

Who gives a shit if it’s a death trap, or unreliable, or comes to the US or not, or even if it’s just generally a poor automobile. The key part is it runs on gas and is going to enable a whole lot of India’s 1.3 billion population who couldn’t afford a car previously to now have a car.

What does that mean to you? It means a lot more people using up that resource you’re always bitching about costing too much… OIL, and it’s brother GASOLINE.

And for you global warming people, it’s a whole lot more CO2 output, especially since most of these cars are just going to be stuck in traffic because India’s infrastructure can’t handle it.

lol for 2500$ you could have a new one every year.

and just give it to the girlfriend / wife you dont like to drive.

This is going to have such a larger effect socially, economically, technologically and environmentally. It’s like when the model T was first built in the US.

I was just gonna say that since it resembles a smart car

wonder what that looks like when it gets taged by a semi