The Real Mike Nice

Which one is it ??



lol baleedat keed!!

don’t make me drop down and do a couple theez, couple theez,
to get my arms on swoll,… and chest on deez!


mike muddafukkin nice fo’ prez’.

Sweet dinosaur dude.

yeah, look up brian murphy ( stroudsberg pa. )
and say he’s not one of the best on the east coast.

that’s an actual picture of one of my diggities.

he’s not, i hate to say it but shaggy is right, your digity dogz looks like a dinosaur yo!

shut your cake hole pussydick!
your girls puthy smells like hot garbage.

now sit down.

i do not comprehend the words you are spelling?:wtf:

Seriously, it looks like the fucking dogs in the movie Resident evil, looks nothing liek a real mutt

and your best rendition of art, was when you took
a fist full of shit outta your diaper, and smeared it
all over your grandmothers apartment walls.


Not a whole lot of difference if you ask me:wtf:

looks like the type of shythound you would find living under your
front stoop. i dont believe in barking cats. thats all you liverlips.

What a waste, your mother should of swallowed you, maybe then their would of been less crime and dogs fights…

me a waste?
look at you! your profile avatar shows the obvious,
you dug out a dirty little fcuk hole in the sand, and your
pumping your hips and grinning every time a 12 yr old fat
kid rambles by you.

your mothers so fat she gargles with mint flavored mashed potatoes.

your girlfriend is so fat her blood type is Ragu.

now put a cap on your baby popcock, and close the damn door!


how fast they turn on you…
don’t worry mr .rogers, you’ll have your
little pedifile forum of goofey 3 tittied liberal men back soon enough.

adayboy. now go have sex with your mutha.

x2 someone ban this fucktard

I honestly cannot comprehend what you are saying but i’m sure your speaking ebonics of some sort. Enlighten me…

i think just i’ll sit
here and randomly hit
enter whenever the fuck
i feel like it. regardless of whether
my sentence ended or my
thought ended

Thats what you get for dropping out of school to raise your three african sisters to become prositutes and molest them at the same time. Some people have all the luck:greddy2: