All I’m saying is GOOD luck changing anything.
With as many people collecting hand outs, working for the government, or receiving some sort of government incentive there is no majority left to change this.
All I’m saying is GOOD luck changing anything.
With as many people collecting hand outs, working for the government, or receiving some sort of government incentive there is no majority left to change this.
It will change one way or another. Unfortunately most people lean the hard way and it will continue to slowly drag all of us down.
Well I’m pretty depressed now.
Is there any model country out there or system that is working?
That’s what I was wondering, or if this is real at all. I do not doubt that there are a ton of people working the system, I am a little skeptical about this video. Any other sources other than Tea Party website?
I think it may be real but it was not just some random, candid interview. She was possibly bragging about it and a tea party person got wind of it and paid her $11 dollars to do the interview. Or something totally different, who knows? Just seemed weird.
Exactly this. No more free fuckin money. You can receive welfare, BUT you need to do something, are REQUIRED to do something other than sit on your ass. You get the first child free. After that, you have more children, you lose benefits for both. Can’t support them, tough shit. When mother nature can’t provide enough food for a species, the population shrinks until mother nature can sustain. Darwin at work. That asshole in the video should be charged with fraud…but then again his ass ends up in jail and we’re right back where we started.
So NYSpeed… Who shall I vote for in the GOP?
Ron Paul seems to be the only one who wants to bring troops home and say fuck everyone else, let’s take care of us.
Honestly I’ve been a fan of him for a long, long time. Media seems to be avoiding the shit out of him. They say he is comparable to rick Santorum (however you spell his name) in ratings and that both remain at the bottom of polls.
But in reality, he’s actually doing pretty well. Also considering they avoid him during all debates so he gets nil camera time.
Nah I’m pretty liberal and I completely think this video is legit. Everything she said is true. I work around these people day in and day out. It is maddening sometimes. One of my daily stops is the welfare hospital near ecmc. The first time I saw someone answer their iPhone4 I was kind of shocked. Don’t get me wrong, there is a good amount of legitimately poor people there, and immigrants, lots of immigrants, but there are also a lot of people that are seriously working the system.
See it for yourself, 462 grider st, community health center. Be warned, it stinks like poor in there. Pop in, check out the waiting room.
That’s the problem, people are too stuck in their ways of thinking. It’s Democrat or Republican, it’s this or that. That’s why people like Ron Paul and his ideas bear no weight. I think all EBT and welfar money should be allocated towards Veterans, you know the ones that sleep on the sidewalk after serving our country. There should be a limit on EBT and welfare…We’ll help you out, sure, get a fucking job, and start making money. If you don’t we’re cutting you off. Food stamps should be limited to only essentials. Remember the '30s? Great depression? You were lucky to eat, lucky to have a house, lucky to have a job. Now you’re entitled to all of that because you can’t keep a dick out of your snatch. You want my money, fucking work for it.
Remember Migrant Mother? Here’s what they were entitled to:
“I did not ask her name or her history. She told me her age, that she was 32. She said that they had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields and birds that the children killed. She had just sold the tires from her car to buy food.”
So you did a bunch of talking… but didn’t answer my question.
Who should we vote for?
Or should do you believe we should just not vote at all?
Simple. Offer males and females between certain ages under a certain income a big fat wad of cash to get fixed permanently. There would be a huge backlash, but the type of people abusing the system by popping out kids left and right would have a hard time turning down a cash payment that they could use on ANYTHING. And just think of the effect it would have on drug users! Even though they’d be getting much less $ in the long run, most people lack common sense when it comes to money, hence the success of “buy here pay here” lots. It would cost the taxpayers far less money in the long run. We have far too many people in this world, and if the largest amount keep coming from the people who abuse the system and can’t raise a kid to be any better than they are, than we’re going to end up like “Idiocracy.”
We need to #occupy more places. It’s working folks! SO ARE THE RUBBER WRIST BANDS!!! THEY’RE WORKING!!!
I reposting this on my facebook for even more support…I already cured cancer!
mass genocide.
you guys go first then I’ll follow