"The Run" with 350z


With music added

I remember seeing it years ago when 350z was just introduced.

Everything in the video was setup, down to every moving car and pedestrian.

The scale of accomplishing something like that is astonishing.


How did they get the close chase shots, like above the trunk, without some kind of rig? I don’t understand how that could have all been one take…

no way it was one take…kool though

They had to have another take for such things as the chaser car and some of the angles, but I’m not sure if they had the city for the secondary takes, those could have just been taped in sections and added in.

I know the actual CD has a uncut, straight through video footage from the actual run.

cool video, makes me want a 350z even more

If you actually watch the credits you will see that there were three drivers and at least two cars.
The rear shots were done with a rig and the rear suspension of that car was beefed up with airbags.

The airbags were to offset the camera weight, and how is that any worse than your precious Subaru video where they guy drifted around concrete blocks? That took like 89234848432 takes :lol

:umm :umm :umm

But they didn’t claim it was all one take. ;D

And seriously, if you had that car at that location you would be going balls to the wall all day :nod

The guy who posted that video claimed it was all one take. Not the actual makers of the video :lol