The SCCA may make it easier to build race cars...

By eliminating the VIN rule, here is the proposal

"Improved Touring

Item 1. Effective 1/1/09, change section 9.1.3.C by deleting the fifth paragraph as follows:

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) shall correspond with the automobile classified, and will determine the model and type

for competition purposes. A minimum of two (2) VIN plates and/or stampings is required."

This is only proposed right now, but if approved, it means that the Civic I am building (1991 base hatch) now can run in any of 3 classes, it can be ITC as it stands now with a D15B1 and 4spd, or I can drop in a DX drivetrain and run ITB (likely what I will do) or drop in an Si drivetrain and run in ITA (too expensive to be competitive)

This is a huge deal and will allow people in classes with little competition to move up, or move down if the competition is too rich for their blood. Other examples would be taking a base Sentra and running SE-R drivetrains, really the big thing is, a lot of these cars that run in higher classes are getting extremely hard to find, Like SE-R’s, Si’s, GTI’s,

that’s pretty cool

im buying a mint mk1 rabbit Gti ITB car next week. cant wait.

Another car that comes to mind, have a DOHC Neon? Now you can ditch the DOHC and run the SOHC, and run 200lbs lighter.