The SIQQQQQest neon of all time

He actually put an air compressor in his trunk to act like a turbocharger. It blows into his intake pipe.

I’m just sad, because I was going to do that mod first. :frowning: :frowning:


what a fucking idiot. possibly the worst car ive ever seen

i couldnt watch anymore after the “euro-wiper”.

what the hell is that tube for running from the trunk, thru the car to the intake do??

he beats a conqest in it some how same user same car aslo from a dig

Worst races EVAR.

btw I think thats the most patriotic color themed interior I’ve ever seen rofl.

So many fucking hoses in the engine bay, What the FUCK!

he runs that in the EM solo class ? is he out of his fucking mind ?

he needs to be in a class where pax /= raw lol

fuck WORscca for being down … i wanna see his times … and how badly the real EM cas beat his ass with a wooden spoon … redheaded stepchildren probably feel good when they see the assbeating he receives in that class

I’m pretty sure it is the worst car in the entire world. No questions asked. This beats all the honda’s rolled into one!


I does not look like that is all it does to me. It is also going to some kind of bottle under the hood. Look 1:30 into it.

I don’t think that this would help… I don’t think that the Compressor will flow the required CFM@any PSI. I think a leaf blower would have been a better choice… Could do it as a constant speed (Even “spool” with some kind of throttle linkage, and it wouldn’t run out.

the guy in the quest misshifted and let off in the 3rd race

something broke lol

i wouldnt say anything to him. id walk up look at his car ask him if it was his and then bitch slap him in the face and walk away

the sad thing is… i’m willing to bet his girlfriend is fucking gorgeous.

This car is massively SIQQQQQ, or it’s making me SIQQQ one of the two.

sad but true… :frowning:

Derrrrrrr Of course it doesnt do anything. Nor would a leaf blower, electric turbo/super charger, fan, tornado, or any of those retarded products. This guy is an absolute jackass.


Yeah, who the hell knows what this idiot did. Its probably some sort of water cooling or meth injection or smoething for his N/A car… :tdown:


not true, an electic centrifugal air pump can pump over 1000 cfm at probably 25psi no problem, you just cant run it off of 12 volt, you would probably need atleast a 408 line

you need more QQQQQQQQQ’s