Pretty self-explanatory…post cars, trucks, or bikes that are extremely low.
I’ll start.

This kills the thread…KILLS IT!
Pretty self-explanatory…post cars, trucks, or bikes that are extremely low.
I’ll start.
This kills the thread…KILLS IT!
on springs or bags? how would you like it?
LOL, that Caddy or Ford or whatever it is, is obviously on bags so either or.
I love slammed shit. I have no clue why I am not into minitrucks. Probably because I can’t fit 2 kids in a little pick up. :tong
me too! Too mad my oil pan on the Civic limits me to how low I can go :sad
you need rehab
…I should post my Sedan, but I’m too lazy.
okay, heres my motivation
forgot the rules
Rules to post in this thread:
Nope. This isn’t Honda-Tech. :nono
its still the rules of being slammed :pete
Nah, here’s a new rule…
#11. LKS GTFO.
My hatch isn’t slammed. ;p Function > Fashion
VOMIT all over this thread. Disgraceful.
That’s what your performance is going to be against me at GPNY…Disgraceful.