The SLAMMED thread!

You know who to call for that work! :ninja Exactly the idea, you can drive it as low or lower than the static you have now, slightly higher in the sweet spot for the equiptment and feel like stock, or fucking over inflate, bounce down the road like static bros, and look like a donk. choice is yours.

+1 for all in good fun btw, thats what I like to see. A friendly rib poke here and there about cars, and nobody walking bow legged afterwards, is winning in my book.

ANNND, yeah 12 pieces of 2X4’s to get on my lift gets fucking old fast too! lol I feel your pain.

Becasue drift events and tracks dont have speed bumps, drainage resesses between the street and parking lots, raised parking lots/vs the road, 2X4’s, rocks, tree limbs, road kill, raised man holes 4 inches out off the ground (state st next to n peal right now by my work), frost heaves on highways smooshed down where millions of tires roll over, causing the centers of the heaves per lane to be like 3-4 inch tall humps waiting to blast the bottom end of your motor, only require less than an inch to maybe 3 inches of up travel to stick to the track and handle well, the last thing they worry about is ride comfort, should I keep going?

ANNNNNNNND. Actually technically speaking there is NO reason why air bags cant be on a track car. Infact they are on some, and are proven to work. The air pressure in the bag, VS the volume of the bag (and other shit) are what creates the spring rate. If its built right the ONLY downside performance wise is the slight INCREASE in spring rate, due to the loss of internal volume when the bag is compressed, and since the air didnt go anywhere, the pressure increases. so I guess you could say its like a increasing rate spring, like a multi rate coilover spring on a shock.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND. drift guys are generally just rocking out on a budget (no offense to anyone and I know you have alot into your car, and so do pro’s lets not go there) but $1400-2400 for a set of good adjustable rebound/compression coilovers, a fist full of springs if you wanted to change them up for track conditions are allot easier to swap than fitting different bags and messing with that shit.

Again, you have the right attitude, i like ya already bro!

Like johnny says bellow its just the adjustability at the flip of a switch that I, he and many others like. I could lay frame, hover a cunt hair above or sky it out when i drive by ya. Bottom line is you wouldn’t know if I was static or air driving by if I didn’t hit the switch and you didn’t look at the car parked.

Practicality owns impracticality to look cool in my book… because i am an old fart and been there done that and moved on dude.