The SLAMMED thread!

no, sorry.
quite low

smithsteg ain’t got shit on HIM / :nana

at least scuba doesn’t have cheap ass played out wheels.

oh, and his car isn’t a cookie cutter h-t car which makes it better :banana

this picture is SICK :nod :nod

Is that the black Integra with the ARC intake box?


The Motegis are nice, but that car is trying too hard

scubas car has been around since you were rocking a big wheel.


if you are talking about scubas car its obvious that you have never met him or talked to him in your life.

Alright, I guess I just don’t nutswing on his car. I respect it, I’m just not in love with it.

That car has been through so many different looks. It is one of the cleanest da’s I have seen around

trying to hard, tell me how?

because it wasnt built with a thread link

neither do i, i’ve known the kid forever, i like his car, and its deffinitly put together better then that white car. he actually does what he wants, he gets shit for his car all the time but doesn’t care.

:idiots, I said I respect the car it’s just not my thing. It just seems like a random collection of parts. To each his own

thats whats great about america

pm’ed you

so because you don’t like it it’s trying to hard? yet you respect it. maybe you should think before you talk cause you make no sense.

You don’t have to like something to respect it. That is all.