The SLAMMED thread!

He lacks mad kitz can’t you read?



Nice clip Steve.

Well, now that nick has posted his pics and everyone has said “well I guess he is low” and he clearly states that I am in fact lower than he is, I guess we weren’t kidding. And taking to the dirt when swerving for some fool just requires some handy hammer work. Been there 50/50’d a culvert once

yeah it is! and you cant tell me that as rough as it is, that it doesnt fuckin hurt banging around there on bumpstops.

I dont pay much attention to the bumps,scrapes, slams and noises when im going around there.

anyone that says they have a slammed car and don’t scrape, either doesn’t drive their car or is full of shit. my mr2 was the lowest car i ever owned, it wasn’t anywhere near slammed, even if the front coilovers were bottomed out, and it scrapped everywhere, i went through multiple front ends, my exhaust was flat on the bottom, and that was because i drove the car everywhere, you end up scrapping, when you drive 4 hours to places you don’t know, you end up hitting shit…what is fucked up, is i see no problem with this, and just want my cars lower. something about having a car that looks broken but still drive it makes me happy.

^ I think its if its already kinda banged up, youre not worrying about banging it up as much, and actually enjoy the car. ~ReToast

So what dose it cost to go into the back room ? :lol

4 dolla

Shut up.

lemmmeeeee get some of dat

well, finally got enough free time to crawl on the ground to take these pics, im about 1 1/2-1 3/4" at the frame rail and about 1" at my lowest point. im sure my exhaust is lower than my frame rail, but that doesnt count hahah

frame rail

rear brace

there ya go, i wasnt kidding about my car being slammed, and yes IT IS slammed for a miata. im getting it on a lift today to change the oil. and ill take some pics of how smashed everything is hahahah

Never seen a car need a front lip so badly.

werd, needs at least r-package front lip…and for a miata, the frame rails don’t look that banged up…have you raised the motor yet? have a skid plate? if no then how many oil pans have you gone through?

no i’m not saying your not slammed, but i’m not saying you are.

i need a lip, but i am too lazy to buy one haha but it really would make a hell of a difference. and ive gone through zero oil pans, and the rails are banged up pretty bad, ill get pics when its in the air. i may raise the engine but who knows. you dont have to blow pans to say you are slammed.

your the one that wants so desperately for slammed approval, so yea i’m gonna be your devil’s advocate and question you to the end. i ask about pans because i know the real low miatas either go through them, or have raised motors/skid plates. some cars are lucky and don’t have oil pan problems, the miata does not seem to be one of them from my research on them.

big thing though, stop acting like your the only one on here that knows what slammed is, your not. i’ll give you that your lower then most miatas, esp in this area because most people are pussies around here and think that you can’t drive low year round, which they are entitled to think…if your miata is slammed, it’s on the high side of a slammed miata.

ive seen maybe 5 cases of smashed pans on club roadster. and most of them are cause from lane dots in cali. but we dont have them. i look at the road im driving on. im sure the plastic splash shield may have helped some but there is a lot lower points on my car than the oil pan. sure, there is many lower than me. im not saying im the lowest miata ever. im just saying when i post on club roadster and roadster drift they all say im just as low as most of the slammed miatas. youve done research, big deal, want a cookie? sorry king, i didnt know you had a miata :bowdown

your miata’s not that slammed. theyre low and small cars as it is so theyre not hard to get to the ground. most low miatas have raised motors to get real low like slwrthnu was saying. plus you have no fitment so who cares how low you are? your the one who thinks being low is a competition so im just saying lol

my buddy peters old miata:

psi2high likes to slam butthole…just saying