The smell of race gas is in the air...

Cruisin Car Weekend down here. Weather is supposed to be nice and theres already a crapload of badass musclecars cruising around. It will be insanity this weekend. Anyone coming down? I’ll try and get some pics.

i want to see some pics

I’ll hook it up. We have 180 rooms sold to Cruisin participants so I’ll take my camera to work this weekend.

sweet!!! post those pics

I will, but I have to take them first. If anyone gets motivated and wants to come down they can crash at my place.

get little kim while ur at it!:smiley:


P.S. why arent you down here. You’d be like a kid in a candy shop.

how far are you from the beach again?

about a 5 minute drive. If that.

my buds were lifeguards and umbrella guys down there for 3 or 4 years in a row. they lived on 4th but the one guys sister went to salisbury state so we drove up there alot too. good times :toasted:

next time i have a running car! :frowning:

Ive been to some decent Salisbury parties. All off campus though. I did the beach umbrella thing a couple years when I was like 12. It BLOWS. You make straight up comission. You work 7 days a week. If its a rainy week, you dont make a penny. If its cold, you dont make a penny.


great AV
jon is the man!!

Dammit wish OC was on the way home to Richmond…little out of my way…have a great time and can’t wait to see the pics!

ps. there will be no pics, darkstar suxors at getting pics.

very true

LOL thanks for the headsup :kekegay:

going out to get pics now. Was hoping my roomate wouild have his 66 Skylark up and running, but we’ll be out cruising in his 88 Monte Carlo SS. I’ll have to shower extra good to get that G-body smell off of me. Either way, Im off to get pics. BTW theres supposed to be 3,000 cars in town this weekend. Tons of awesome cars at the hotel today as well. :cool:

Napalm should be in the air :boink