The Stolen College Campus Laptop

Ok, so this morning I am watching the news and everyday it seems like more and more college students are effected by how their idenity can be at risk now that the laptop with all their information was stolen from a Buffalo Campus. So far Fredonia, Buff State and a couple communitie colleges are now at risk. BUT today I find out the students that attended Jamestown Community College from 2001-2003 are at risk. WTF!!! Why are my records and idenity from 7 years ago being carried around on a laptop at schools that I had nothing to do with? I never applied or went to any of the SUNY Buffalo schools so why are my records being carried around there? I understand that they are all SUNY schools but there is no reason for my information to be on this or any other LAPTOP. Why are my files out in the open like that? I am already starting to talk to my lawyer incase anything starts to go wrong with my personal idenity.

End of Rant

Call up the CBRs and request a fraud alert.

It is free, and all three of them do it. It means you have to authorize any credit pulls with the CBRs themselves.

Its not hard to do, at all.

shitty, I hope Alfred St is not affected

IIRC it was all SUNY campuses, but I’m not sure. You should prolly read the article.

edit -

“I know there are 12 SUNY campuses that were located on the back-up drive of this computer,” she said.

Storing important NPI data on a hard-drive of a laptop like that is just plain idiotic in this day and age.

Hm. I had somebody use my (now old) debit card number to make online purchases earlier this month. They may be related.

I didn’t notice the link until after i received the nice, professional letter from NCCC.

“Hey we’re like totally sorry, we totally like lost all your personal information. We’re really totally like sorry.”

I love how stupid our fucking society is.

Suny Brockport is another…

What is a CBR?

credit bureau report

Goddammit, how hard is it to encrypt the damn drive.

I know thats still not a real solution, but it’ll dissuade your average jackass.

in this day and age there is no reason for that to be stored on a laptop. There is no excuse for that garbage.

legal rights?

none, most likely. There is alot of precedence for this type of lossage.

that really sucks, Im glad some company can take charge of and lose my most precious personal info and I can’t even take legal recourse if something happens to my identity…

yup I know all about it, the guy that got it stolen doesn’t work for the company anymore

this guy worked under my dad, well not anymore lol

the company works with tons of different colleges, not just suny

Oh I dont know for sure, you should look into it either way.

The catch is that with pretty much any docs you sign, you’re giving “ownership” (for lack of a better word ATM) of your info to that company. Which is why alot of commercial companies can resell your data for marketing purposes unless you specify otherwise.

SUNY Fredonia?

Since it sounds like you have a little inside info I’ll ask you this: Is it common practice for SunGard to take student data off site and/or carry it around on an unencrypted laptop drive? Or was this a unique incident where this employee broke policy.

I wonder if FERPA has any guidance over this.

i’d have to ask, i’m not really sure what they carry around with them