Stolen Laptop at NCCC - Stolen Data - Are you effected?

Well, I came home yesterday all happy cuz its friday and I check my mail. I get a letter from NCCC. Wow, havent gotten anything from then in years, since grad.

Open the letter and like what happened to Buff state, a laptop was stolen and my data was on it.

:bigclap:good job people…I give them my $$$$ for some knowledge and this happenes. BTW-Why are there Names and SS# on a laptop? It should be on something , oh I dunno, more secure.

It upsets me knowing my info is floating around out there, espically since im close to buying a house, etc.

They gave me a # to call…experian…to let them know of the situation.

This happen to anyone else?
either NCCC, Buff State or whatever.

What did you do and how did things turn out.