f- thieves

went to greensburg tonight and my car got broke into. cleanly done, no windows broke. all they took was the contents of my glove box-- allergy pills, ice scrapper, last 3 years of pay stubs in a ziplock baggie, owners card, insurance card, pink slip from when i bought the car, atm slips, owners manual. wonder where all that shit is at???

stuff they didnt take-- cd’s, cd player, helmets in the trunk, rear end assembly in the trunk, atleast 10 bucks in change in the ashtray. wtf!!!

they prob wanted to steal your identiey so watch out

Yeah, I’d be concerned about what all info was on the paystubs, like SSN.

that sucks sailor…

wow that sucks
theives need to die

Sailor, this sorta just happened to me. Someone stole a bunch of employee records, pay stubs and soc security numbers. My work recommended I call Experian which is a credit bureau, and had myself placed on “fraud alert” which makes it way harder for someone to get a credit card or loan using a fake ID. I’d recommend you do the same. 1-888-397-3742 is their number. Or Experian.com is the web addy.

Geez that sucks, and in the long run identidy theft is worse SOOOO keep your eye out.



Just out of curiosity, why?

i remember when i worked at a powersports dealer people would come in and apply for credit. If they had a fraud alert on their credit anytime in the past 7 years they had to contact the company on their personal phones to verify it was them and made them wait like a week or something until it was verified. No idea how they verified it was them but somehow they did.

well, every friday when i get paid, i go deposit the check at the mac machine. i just started to stick them in a plastic baggie and just kept doing it. was from jan 2005 until this past friday’s pay.

kolar, thanks, ill do that.