The Stop Of Racial Comments and Slurs..

all the memebers are being banned off anyways… so whats the point right?

But i love your big titted avatar.

:tup: exazctly… especially coming from a mod! who is supposed to be disipling(sp) someone…

cuban crisis get off your soap box, my father was born in a fucking work camp. dont cry to me.

oh, and you wont be missed

I wouldn’t take it to heart, it’s the internet for christ’s sake.

I think dood’s got a point. What you find funny or take as a joke soemone else may find offensive. I say, since he pointed it out theat we should all try to be a bit less anti-simetic, as a courtesy and just out of respect.

Why would you call it ignorant? It is the idiots that deny it ever happened that are ignorant. The idiots that still believe it SHOULD happen are ignorant. The people that know what it was, what it could have been, and what we learned from it are not ignorant. The ones that can look back and realize the massive scope of devistation, and murder, but are still able to say it is the past, we learned something, and while those people were put through HELL, it happened, and hopefully should never happen again.

See…here is the thing about humor. Zerodaze made a joke that was so ridiculous that it would never be carried out and the fact that he is a mod makes it even more ridiculous. Thats why its funny.

comments like this make you a piece of shit moderator…no wonder you do not make any friends. and everyone here practically hates you… your worthless anyways…

and im glad i won’t be missed… i don’t even fuckin live in ny… i just styay actyive here…why? cause im friends with some of you on here. thats why…

i would think that it is pretty obvious to any half wit that i was making fun of toms quote calling us nazis.

i am worthless?

i dont see you posting tech articals, or spending 30 dollars and emailing people carfax reports all day.

fo fuck yourself, and i will do as you requested and delete you account.

Haha, Carl, you bastard, haha.

Seriously though, everyone lighten up. I’ve never heard any real racial slurs on this site. Jokes make people feel easier about racial issues. Don’t take it to heart.

While we’re on topic, I’m polish. VERY polish. I’ve yet to hear any GOOD polish jokes. I’ve heard many corny ones, but no real good ones. And that dissappoints me…sooooo…

hit me with what you got…

That Is irrelevant… what he said was offensive…i found it so… i spoke up and i got this…

a vry very mature response…

instead of saying hey man look sorry if i offended you…

from what i gather about another members recent banning, he was banned because he made a comment that could have been seen as offensive to a “possible” future advertiser, and new members.

how is this any different. in my opinion, calling someone ugly is less harmful, than making fun of a jewish person.

maybe beck thought it was obvious that he was joking, and it got taken the wrong way.

im not sorry

“It’s your religions sense of humor that has sustained you as a people for over 2000 years.” - shit i can’t remember what that is from

^ Haha.

Ok, now some polish jokes!

no, my family and i will get very mad

my family was in and born in a work camp, and its not cool.


No way, thats offensive. I’m Polish and Catholic.

I know, so am I…

hmmm…that was like the height of drama for about 10 minutes…
