Remember the transam 240? Check this out:
Remember the transam 240? Check this out:
It’s just a S13 with a Trans-Am front bumper…
Once agian…
I like the colour scheme but eh the front doesn’t flow ruins the piece.
Hey wow the S13 Trans am for the 20th time!
:repost: X20
i know its a repost, but honestly how could u do such a think like that
id rock it.
I(D)ROC it too…
Pea Roast.
How come I’ve never seen it before?
I would like to smack the guy who did that to it.
This coming from the twin ram air hood & computer fan supercharger owner?
Car is well done, but fuggin ugly.
What the hell are you talking about.
lol the twin ram air hood still stands…
I would IROC it too :lol: