The Troll Hunter

They’ll hunt you trolls down.

I kinda want to see this, lol.

I would see it.

Looks like a good foreign film, I like.

reminded me of
Dead Snow

Nazi Zombies FTW LOLLLL
good movie…

would see.

Quite the contradiction of the depiction of trolls in the hit classic “Ernest Scared Stupid”.


Haha, I remember that.


no get?

lol. nice now I remember. That movie was phenominal

Is on netflix. I tried like hell to find the old thread but was unable… anyway, if you don’t mind first person movies like cloverfield or the blair witch project, It’s worth a watch. I think it’s done better than both those movies though and is a lot less “shaky”

Did you take your Spaghetti girl to see this?

There are trolls at the Norway spot at Epcot but more importantly there are hot Norwegian chicks. That’s all I got.

ummm okkk… lol

She never texted me! That marblemouth skank!