The Weather

Man this weather is horrible took me 22 mins to get to school this morning and 5 of it was trying to get of my parking spot. God what happend to all that nice weather we were having?

It was just a teaser…so everyone would get excited and bring out the summer car…then have all the know-it-all pessimistic downers telling them they should have waited. Happens every year! lol But yeah, this weather is ghey…almost as ghey as Josh Groban groping himself while sucking a banana.

Ya, this weather blows balls.

The April event isn’t looking too good.

Just wait untill the weekend. Over 10 and nice all next week. It could change :shrug:

And then the city will be under water :wink:

Hey - you wanted to drift, so stop bitching! :smiley:

I guess if there is any good going to come from this, it’ll be to our farmers that have suffered dry conditions the past few years. Not that any of y’all city slickers care 'bout that. :smiley:

What are these “farmers” you speak of?

Well, I think they mostly hang out in rural areas, or 'hoods. They seem to have a strange desire to name their dogs after stupid games and then make people sing about it while spelling the name. They also seem to threaten visitors to their residences about the evils of pre-marital sex with their daughters, typically at the end of a double-barrelled shotgun. :smiley:

Reports indicate that they are the nefarious developers of an evil device known as a “Speak 'n Spell”, and their main goal is to perpetuate the myth that cows go moo. :slight_smile:

Ahh I think I reckon them peoples yous are thinkin of.

So today was quite the change in weather, i mean go to school it is snowing hard and then come out and its sunnny and wet.

things are looking up for the weekend of necc, still alot of snow to melt

Ya, no kidding. Got the truck stuck at 11:00am and then did a u turn (with large amounts off acceleration :E ) at 3:30pm

when are we supposed to warm up again?

Tomorrow through the weekend. Last time I checked, the weather network’s long range forecast didn’t show a daily high below 0 in the next 14 days.