The What Did You Get For Christmas 2011 Thread

I hope that fucker came with batteries.

Boy did it :rofl

Oh so did Wayne- he gets one every year from my mom! Not allowed to take out of the box and the past two years are still in the Hess bags!

I didnt actually open mine lol and its still in the bag too!

I have every Hess truck since '89. Not all in the nicest condition but the last ~7 years have gone straight to the closet shelf.

Too bad the only ones worth anything are the pre-white ones from the '80’s and earlier. The white ones arent worth anything.

I had a few to sell and didnt get more than $10 for any of them. Theyre $27 new.

No Money?

Me either!


Why are all these adults getting money?


PJB, someday they will be green again…and they wount have carried gas… they will carry away old battery acid… and folks like you will say… hey, remember gas… remember those white Hess gas trucks? To which your senility will hopefully cause you to forget the green ones, and pay Wayne for a white one… Like $30 too… thats 10 percent profit roight thur.

Happy Birthday

Back on topic…

I got a Flag ,and Modern Warfare… nothing else matters

I’m good

They havent even made a gas truck in several years, lately its been something with race cars or shuttles or helicopters.

Ive got a few of my old ones but theyre beat because I played with them as a kid.


no, I dont play with my toys anymore. I dont even remember where the Hess trucks are. Maybe in the hidden closet in my closet?

Is that where will find some skeletons too?

no, just junk. I think my Lego’s are back there along with a bunch of half built model kits and other shit that I never got rid of.

Being srs would you sell your Lego’s?

You have Sara Anne Wood in there dont you.

Id really rather not actually. Kinda sentimentally attached to them and Ive got tons of them. Still built too.

wasnt I like 4 when she disappeared and didnt some old guy get charged with her murder?

Well if you change your mind, let me know. I wont need to know what else is buried in your secret closet

nothing weird in that one and nothing weird in the other secret closet since I cleaned that one out a long time ago. That one is behind a removable panel in the wall.

Guys that haven’t gotten laid in this millennium, have an extensive hot wheels collection, and live at home shouldn’t post about secret closets and removable panels that they have in their house.