The white batmobile in North Buff

Anything involved nice cars makes me automatically friendly.

But I pretty much just make fun of him for having money, I never really leg-hump.


Bad boys for life

what the fuck. all this in one day? i love it.

FUCK I leave for a couple hours and this becomes a hump fest. As legit as this kid is according to the backend, I bet it is a fucking troll and did we really need 8 fucking pages for this. I swear to God i am going to just shut this shit down.

:gotme: amiwronghere

you hate everything you whiny little bitch

wow holy fucking nerd…

This does look like the work of Nick pearl!

I break it out every once in awhile…

undernet was cooler

started off good…

no way man. RNS / WHOA and everyone else was all on efnet.

You guys are a bunch of fucking morons.

This is useless. I quit.


efnet never had chanserv or nickserv. i could leave for a few hours and some FGGT would be running my shit and boot me

dude, running a botnet to protect your channel / take over others was half the fun.

WTF? Are you pulling a FRY and demodding yourself??

You know once you change your own permissions, you can’t get back in to fix it.

Please don’t quit who is going to be the Bad Cop?


No, I got it, I was just making a point of it.

Im celebrating more than a slave who made it to the north right now. :mamoru:


Im still on EFnet… :nerd:

Whois Mshadow!


But seriously… now the whores are going to run rampant on the board without nikuk or someone like RX3

You seem like the kind of guy who can fill those shoes. I never seem to understand your anger :stuck_out_tongue: