The worst way to be dumped..

Hey, brownies are brownies… :rofl:

Lil extra protein there for him…

HAHA its funny but still gross


See…now thats when u just go to the dudes house she teabagged,cut off his nutz and proceed to go to her house when she is at work, make a cup of tea and throw the nut sak in the cup and puti t on her kitchen table for her to find when she comes home. Along with that u would wnat to leave a small note saying…Heres your tea BITCH…Enjoy!

:eek2: :eek2:

WOW… ummm :eek4:

so you’re saying you’d wanna touch the guys nuts?

not at all man,but if some woamn had the balls to do that to me then well…it wouldn,t be pretty :dunno:

Im with sleeperGTP on that on, i wouldnt want to touch a guys nut/s but if i had to which in this case was a good call i would, …i guees… :dunno:

i already told my old lady what i would do if i vere found out she was cheating one me. I hit her in the knees with a nice loiusville and the bring teh dude to the house and break his knees in fron of her and kill him slow… just so she can watch. working a dude over with a bad and hearing the bones break i think would leave a lasting impression. i would take my time in prison for it.

Thats a bit crazy.
I would proboly kick her out and try and have sex with all her friends. Well actually any girls.

i think within 24hrs its considered a crime of passion which means reduced sentence so swing away…

no joke… it would be like that scene in casino where those dudes were beat with bats out in the middle of nowhere

its not the guys fault…shes the bitch that cheated…AND I def agree that he had to of done something to piss her off that bad!! Ive had some nasty b/fs and never would I do that to someone!!!

I would probably let it slide for about 3 months, then all of sudden in the middle of the night i would break a window in her house and release random animals into her house then i would bang every friend she has including members of her immediate family