The "X MAN" Tony Freeman arrested!!!

Bodybuilding star arrested for drug crime

The American bodybuilding star Toney “X-man” Freeman was arrested by the police when he was signing DVD’s in a store in Sundsvall on Wednesday. The crestfallen star was arrested in front of the eyes of his fans.

One of the worlds biggest bodybuilding stars is currently on a tour in Sweden. But in Sundsvall he got a cold welcome. While “X-man” was handing out good advice to his admirers uniformed police entered the store, writes Sundsvalls Newspaper on the internet.

  • Is this a practical joke, asked the star while he was lead away, for suspicion of drug crime.
"We have learned" The police knew that Freeman was visiting Sweden and they had planned the arrest thoroughly. Earlier this year the police executed "Operation Liquid" in which about 70 people were charged for drug crime. Currently the police is particularly cautious.
  • During Liquid we learned that professional bodybuilders use steroids, growth hormones and other illegal substances, says Henrik Blusi, director of the police’s city group, to Sundsvalls Newspaper.

    “Sad role model”

    Blusi says that “X-man” has admitted to the use of steroids, growth hormones and cannabis.
  • In a way it’s sad. He was standing in the store signing DVD’s and there were a lot of younger people around him, who see him as a role model. An ideal you can only achieve by the use of steroids, says Henrik Blusi to Sundsvalls Newspaper.
    After leaving a urine sample Freeman was released. But he’s not welcome back.
  • If you’re a professional bodybuilder you shouldn’t come to Sundsvall. We are very educated here.

personally i loled when i read this. hahaha


  1. Last 2 sentences mad me LOL pretty hard

  2. If you cant tell dat n i g g a aint natural, youre not that educated!!!

he hasnt had a carb since 1976!

the Sweeds are Soooo00000oooo EDUCADTED :Idiots

this is stupid…they just figured out that bodybuilders use steriods!!! wtf, honestly…what a joke, they “planned the arrest thoroughly”. buncha babies

great article. Written by someone with as many brain cells as the guy in the picture.

guy looks legit to me???

So essentially they arrested him because yet thought he used steroids because he’s a bodybuilder, but it didn’t say they had any legit proof of it before the arrest. Swedish law sucks.

got all that from the article huh. :lol