There is a racist statement inside.

it has nothing to do with comments on my car or me. I really could not ( :wink: ) care less. But I would lump so many more black people in the ~happy~ category, and i would lump so many more white people in the ~grumpy~ category. Yeah, it’s racist to say that, but from my experience, it is true. The point is, while i may make negative comments, they are usually in jest, and my diction and tone typical make this VERY clear. I am happy.

So many whites are miserable, despite having alot of “physical possesions”
So many blacks are kind, open minded and happy, despite having (apparently) few “physical possesions”

And i am not trying to ay that blacks are poorer than whites. If you compared poor blacks to poor whites, the results would be even more staggering.