There is a racist statement inside.

Are you purposely trying to sound this stupid? Im beginning to think you are just a troll.

Feeling a little uneasy around a certain group is different than hating them.

lol yeah, white ghetto kids are funny (especially if their from an upper middleclass neighborhood lol)

funny thread though lol

Are you purposely trying not to see the word suspicion? He said he was getting suspicious of the dudes coming towards him.

I’m suspicious of Gustav because I’m pretty sure he’s an idiot douchebag. soooo I’m racist and I hate him.

in any case, I’m pretty sure black people steal things. I hold my purse a little tighter when I walk by a herd of them. are they dark so they can camoflauge better or does it have something to do with the amount of showers they take a week?

you’re an idiot douchebag

why are you still here?

I think it’s pretty obvious that I have nothing else to do in my spare time.

Dunno why but I had to laugh.:lol:

IMHO, its not what color you are its what kind of person you are.

ill agree to that. although i like buffalo as a city it is nothing compared to other “major” cities.

newmon is a lier one time me and chuck give him a good beating and almost took his car for a ride, but then he started to cry and we felt bad so chuck gave him a fried chicken, corn bread, grits, watermellon, and a tall glass of orange juice and he cheered up lickidy split.

Ah, but many things affect a person’s characteristics. :wink:

^ If I didn’t already know that thug was from Napolean Dynomite I would swear he was from Springville cuz we gotz some badass white thugs yo!
It is pretty funny to see these ghetto thug wannabes in Springville.
I am pretty sure Springville has the most domestic FWDs with wings per capita too.

haha. trooth.jpeg
