Thats Racist!!!

Wow, some of these are pretty funny.

I find a lot of that insulting actually.

I’m with Onyx.

Wait…that’s supposed to be serious? I thought it was an onion-like site.

It also took me about 90 seconds of wondering why the act of exiting needed a diary. Seems like a relatively simple maneuver.

I’m with Onyx.


Funny in a way that a person comes up with these crazy items/opinions and posts them over the internet

I take that about as seriously as the Westboro Baptist Church.

Talk about how whites are the most racist when in fact that entire website is nothing but a black version of the KKK website??? wow…

This one was my favorite:

  1. You and your people are the sole cause of destruction on the planet.

I can’t believe what I just seen.

That was pretty sickening to read. And the comments that follow? Jesus fucking Christ…


How can anyone from any race not be tired of this bullshit? And how can we as a society ever move forward when people won’t let go of a past that none of us living today were even a part of…


And what a nice read too, especially after just finishing an interview for an article in The Buffalo News about a program I run at Riverside Park (for free) for neighborhood kids (who are almost exclusively non-whites) that are given an oppurtunity to learn a sport, get free equipment, learn community values, taught to stay in school, etc.

This is disgusting.

i read a couple of points, rolled my eyes, closed the window and am in the process of moving on with my life… i found none of it insulting because stupid people can’t hurt my feelings… and i’m only half white.

i will however disagree with the fact that white women are not the most wanted women on earth… yes they are…

50/50 - One time this Hispanic female rocked my world in every way. Since then, every snotty spoiled white chick has made me feel meh. Closest I’ve had back to that was this tattoo’d Native American/Russian cross breed.

Either way. Racist as fuck. Racism exists still because of everything within the OP’s link.

Oh now I get it

Whats a negress?

x2 lol

LOL seriously? Who gives a fuck what some angry black person writes on the internet? Probably upset because their spouse left them for someone white.

x2 LOL harder

You guys need to lighten up, it’s just another person rambling about shit on the internet

0.9% financing on a new Jaguar!?!?!
