There is a storm a coming

it started pouring when i left work around 5ish in OP. got home to lancaster around 5:30 and nothing, like 15-20 minutes ago it started to rain. i wish it would’ve rained this morning, it would’ve been nice to sleep in.

i thought we only did this for snow storms?

nah…its summer…the only thing else to talk about is that dude in Charlotte.

in amherst right near Millersport/Eggert area its done never really got anything bad. some gnarly dark clouds rolled though and it rained moderately for about 10 minutes and thats it as of now. its about 6:30

arrived here a little while ago hope it doesnt hail though :frowning:

bah what a shitty storm, its just a light rain now. BOO! hopefully it only rains a lil longer so it will be a sweet night for boozin!

Yeah this was a total let down

Well that was disappointing in Williamsville. Real dark clouds, little bit of wind, little bit of rain, barely any thunder, now it’s done.

I was looking forward to a decent storm.

so-so in the city. Wish it lasted longer though.

Yeah I was driving down my street going towards my house and man was it getting dark.The coolest time was we were sitting out back having a cookout and you could just see it coming across the water from NT.When it hit you had about 30 secs from sprinkle to downpour

ITs a good thing i bought that cloud insurance… hopefully i can find a nice volcano insurance broker


that WAS quite disappointing

tyhis storn did not deliver


I have failed once again.

Maybe if newman would have originally posted it the storm would have been the best thing ever…

Ok, I’ll take back my post about being disappointed. There is a tornado warning right near Geneseo. Don’t need that shit.


Thank golly this is NYspeed and not BUFFALOspeed


lol its already getting quite clear in cheektowaga, roads are already clearing up

there has been a tornado warning all day. where the hell is that goddamn thing?

LMAO right there:D

ugh no tornado FTL :tdown: