There's a guy at my work

cool. I dont ever eat with a fork or spoon. I always use a SPORK

I eat pork, does that count?

If you want it too. I heard Pork is a good Jew-Protectant, if they get within 10 meters of they return back to their real form; jew troll!

Is that why Osad doesn’t hang out with me anymore?

i pee sitting down cuz everytime i do it standing up i pee on my balls…

wow hector…thats great buddy haha

I think so :/:

No, It’s because last time we hung out you were staring down my girls shirt and at her vagina.

Tony is a Dirty slut.

Also, you asked me for drugs. I AM NOT A DRUG DEALER!

Yeah it’s called “you just shit your self” LOL!

I pee sitting down too, because If I pee standing up as soon as I whip it out it throws off my balance due to uneven weight ratio and I end up tiping forward and my slong does into the toilet!


Okay, in the interest of clearing my good name, I’d like to elaborate:


Truth :frowning:

Truth :smiley:

I love it when people try and convince others about their huge penises… just goes to show how insecure everybody is.

Also, Tony, don’t lie. Idunno if you remember her, but it was at CG. I was standing with you and Bog, and holding her from behind, and I can SEE you staring lol!

was she hot?

Haha, such a liar! I remember the situation too, you made some comment about how I shouldn’t hit on her, but I wasn’t doing anything to begin with. As far as I can recall, I was waddling over to my friend’s car to nap in the back, and then I ran into you. My downward glance was likely due to my sleepiness, and not me checking her out.
Besides, you know I don’t go for white girls anyway :stuck_out_tongue: