There's a guy at my work

That is so fat, he needs to sit down to pee O_O

I sit down to pee when I’m half asleep or completely wasted.

Saves the clean up lol


Hey now…it’s smart!

Don’t hate, cause you knoooow you have done it too! :slight_smile:

cool story bro

There was a guy at my work whose girlfriend asked him to pee on her. So he did.

What the hell is wrong with Solarian’s sister?


lol chris wtf

when im smashed i piss outside

I have pissed on people before, outdoors.

I try indoors when I am smashed lol.

Keep my balance better on he porcelain.

Im not even going to click on that link. I know how fucked up antonio is.


lol nice…

i was expecting something dirty… to my disappointment :frowning:

Agreed, I looked over my sholder to see who was near me before I opened it :/:

does he use the handicap washroom… cause they have a rail to help him pull him self up… … Does he reinforce the chairs that he sits on?

you guys got it all wrong

ever tried to take a shit standing up when your drunk?

yeah in a urinal

no need to make fun of fat people.
do u know there sitch?

I don’t stand when I pee ever. I always sit.

I also bathe. Not shower.