There's a million reasons why I want a g/f. And just two reasons why I don't...

Got hot friends eh? :wink:


All you gota remember is:

18 = legal
17 = legal with consent
16 = legal with a note from her mom
15 = legal if her dad is in the room

i used to work with someone who formerly was a counselor, and she said that it is illegal if you are over 21 to do anything with someone is isn’t also at least 21. i find it hard to believe, but she claims to have seen charges filed.


Best quote of all time!!

she must have a crappy memory or something… as long as they’re over 17 in NYS… doesn’t matter.

<— counselor :slight_smile:

^ YESS! now i can dump my g/f without worrying about her going psycho and sueing WOOHOO!!!

Beck needs this t-shirt.

joel said it for ya nick…now you dont have to worry being sued…rofl

i wish i wasn’t as familiar with it as i am, but here is

404 2 reasons not found.

lol… dateline… i will watch for you. :wink:

hhahaahahaha. ha. oh man.

i’ll have to show her that chart.

on a side note:
anyone else feel really creepy looking at that chart?

I am so going to Puero Rico lol.

Spain it is!


Lol…france ftw. Only thing they have not fucked up is their legal sex laws.

Mexico 12:eek: And Madegascar 21, scary.

Mexico doesn’t have laws. Only suggestions.