Hello I like rally cars, oil, and hardcore music. Motörhead is cool to. I am lucky enough to be able to drive an evo as my dd so I can’t complain (not trying to brag) about much but I will find something to complain about, god damn hippies. I don’t like old time bikes with the big wheel either. I also say a lot of weird shit it’s always true. Sledge golf rules super hard. Gotta finish the wrx rebuild, I blew up the motor offroading. Stick tight, smell you later.
In all fairness it wasn’t a lead pipe let alone a pipe at all. It was a baseball bat. There was and still is lots of broken glass and a tire. Man that tire rules let’s give it one last set of games then roll it down a hill into something.
Youre my favorite new member.
I forgot to mention my passion for turtles. I fucking love them. I also enjoy spending time with my pet lobsters and frogs. If you cross them you will wish god was real when I find you. Metal hipsters ruined beards for me.
You know what’s a dumb law? You can’t drive around and shoot guns on your own private property at your own stuff. My neighboors in the south towns told me this it pissed me off for weeks. We had a Korean War era Jeep in the field it ruled extra hard cause I had my M1 Garand that was used in WWII. I don’t know why we made my friend get out when we did in my Subaru spinning wildly towards freedom. I hope it shoot at Nazis then got used on hippies in the 1960s by the national guard. This is a car forum so do you see the connection? Also does anybody here have any connections to the Illuminati? They need to stop fucking with DMX. If you do and you don’t speak up I completly understand just please help him out. Some things make very little sense to me.
^ what are you ‘tracking’? Do I need to call Chris Hansen? I’m worried about this please explain. If you want to follow my thoughts you can read my blog. It’s hard to find but every once in a while I do math and write letters to people I don’t like such as carrot top and the country of Ireland. I’m pretty sure they produced him if it’s by accident I don’t care that’s unacceptable. Same with river dancing. Do you know why their roads are soo narrow? It’s cause the English knew when cars would get invented they would be too drunk to drive. Damn those English are smart, god bless the queen and the baller shit she does. Fucking canadians had to ask permision to leave we (America) just took that shit and said, “bitch please suck my dick I ain’t paying your taxes…”
Omg, plz never ban this guy, I dont care where he goes off-topic lol.
I just woke up my dog and gf from laughing.
cocaine is a hell of a drug…
whats your stance on these three subjects?
basket weaving
female body builders
skinny animals
as a bonus topic
scented candles
I love it
What the hell is wrong with those people? Are they from the carnival? If not they are from the Midwest. It could be a fucked up half breed. Please do not post such hiddious chicken feed, mallmetal, punk rock biscut, two dad having, yoyo toting, cake eating, korn pants wearing, hot topic hanging out garbage in my threads. Stay on topic about shit that’s cool like the new Lancia Stratos or pushing big rocks off a cliff. I wish that Stratos was the grand prize for sledge golf. I got to play the bag game that shit sucked. It wasn’t fun.
oily evo speaks in
Just take like 5 of them, paste, post.
I’ll answer these questions cause ICP really sucks and so does prog rock. Ohh man I’m soo cool I listen to deep stoner space rock with wicked drums brah and the guitars soo tallented.
I’m not sure if you mean the process or the actual end product. I think both are cool not sure if I could weave a basket it looks hard. I can’t say anything bad about it.
I could go on about this for a long time. When I used to train/work at this kickboxing school in VT years ago there was a female body builder. We will call her pat. So pat was short just about 5ft with running shoes on. Anyways she was super didn’t care that I’d spend time baking out my car between classes (Thai boxing classes not school) by the airforce base. So one of my favorite things was a low calf kick jab front kick right cross combo. During the two kicks she almost always farted super loud. It was piss your pants funny. I laughed several times infront of her. During big punches she would heave moan roar yell grunt and turn red. It was weird. She was really cool and super nice though. Took it to become flexible and learn self defense. Aside from the farts which I thought were awesome and would make me laugh I can only say good things. So I assume they are all like her and fart or queef when they kick.
skinny animals? I don’t know that sucks they need to eat more or have shitty owners. People who abuse animals aren’t people they are less than zero. I do like the Russian bears that play hockey I don’t know why they haven’t been given the Nobel Peace prize yet. Dolphis bother me, I don’t like the taste of tuna but I always buy a shit ton of the low grade stuff in hopes that it contains bits of dolphins, factory workers. I never eat I usually just throw it out (okay i’m joking about the tuna but I really do hate dolphins).
4?) scented candles have always bothered me. It just sets my war nerve off. If I could go to one place with a bag of fire and a bag of hair and mix and throw them at a store it would be a scented candle store.
---------- Post added at 03:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 AM ----------
I want to punch that thing (is it a girl?) on the far right with the X on it’s head. Yeah I wanna hit it real fucking right on that X with something radical and cartoonish like a grand piano or a 2004 Coors Light edition of Golden Tee the arcade game.
wow. try too hard to make friends much?