These guys are retarded

Pretty funny though


finding that funny is retarded in itself.


you didn’t find that in some sort of way that all those guys being in such a good mood was funny?

maybe I just have an odd sense of humor :smiley:

HAHAHAH … ohhh ahhhahahha…

That was precious… I love it… hahahha

lol what a bunch of retards

I don’t find immaturity and senseless acts funny in any way. These kids clearly have complete disregard for the rest of the people in that parking lot, and their own cars and safety (if those are even their own cars). I know for a fact that if they invested their own money into those cars (not their parents’), first of all they would not even be doing what they did, and second, they would not laugh about it after the fact.

But ayway…that’s just me.

the only part i found funny was when they pretended like it was tokyo drift and how they are in tokyo and how they got too sideways and shit hit the fan. pretty much only the commentary got the laughs outta me.

if you didn’t laugh at the commentary even just a bit, then shrugs

^ Samson right?

To tell you the truth, I didn’t even watch the whole thing. I stopped it shortly after the crash…But from where it seemed it was going, there would just be a lot more laughter to the end.

An object lesson in karma…

funny, because you knew it was going to happen… it was just a matter of when…

How’d you know CAL? :wink: .

watch it AFTER the crash happens, its kinda funny. i guess cause everyone else is laughing you tend to laugh as well.

nonetheless it was pretty stupid.

yah was pretty stupid . specially the driving in the parking lot … thats really imature and stupid… dunno how kids do stupid shit like that teach them a lesson or 2…

all in all it was stupid and thats why people get harassed… but with the tokyo drift thing that made me laugh still…

wow, how stupid can you get? …retarted drivers+rice cars= really funny crash.

True this vid is old, and i didn’t find it funny, but could see why the people there would have, i’ve seen parking lot behaviour like this but not stupid like make any sense, well what im trying to say is that, there is a mature and immature way of doing everthing, and these guys are immature, certainly auto-x ing in a parking lot like this is plain …i have no words.

Worse thing the guy probably though he was cool trying to kill his car afterwards, and the rest were laughing at his dumbness.

oh well, hope they learned somthing.