They're filming The Other Guys right under our windows

Porsche ~>

Thats badass!

great post!! that mini and the evo are soooo badass :lol

Ill try to get moar pics tomorow and later in the week

When they were filming the other movie with Angelina Jolie in it a few months back they brought one of there film trucks in for us to fix a running concern on it, it was an older Mercedes ML55 with all of that same rigging and everything attached to it and highly modified. The thing was running an aftermarket supercharger with an upgraded air to water intercooler with some crazy HUGE brakes, a full roll cage to support everything and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Talking to the film guys that brough it in they said those trucks need to be able to keep up with the car chases even with the added weight and everything of all the extra equipment so they have some pretty crazy modifications done to em.

Did you put a “SHIFT 518” sticker on their car? :lol

Here’s some pics I took today. This is about as close as they let me get to the filming, the cop was still yelling at me to GTFO :shifty

and one more.
edit: the bike with the mounted cameras and the black porsche with the boom with the camera on it are BOTH in this shot. i’ll try to get the small 17 second video i made from the lobby on here later tonight. they were setting up for hours to shoot 17 seconds, then roll everyone back and do it again. they are doing like 3-4 takes. also, a girl from the film crew said theyre crashing a car thru a bus sunday. not INTO a bus, but THROUGH the bus.

lol are trying to hide with the last shot?

they moved everyone into the lobby. we werent allowed to be near the windows when they were shooting it. we had to all go in. so i did the best i could from inside the lobby.

gotcha good deal and still nice shots

When I was delivering to 677 Prime yesterday I saw alot of the movie cars parked in the CDTA lot under the bridge- a Chevelle, taxi’s, cop cars, vans and atleast 4 red Prius’s with primer gray right rear doors.

i can see some stuff from our windows too, but i dont think it till come out well from 15 stories above it and thru the plate glass windows we have

TONS of trucks by the Grey Hound bus station.

half the film crew was eating lunch and or buying lunch at the place i was at with my friend gettin pizza:thumbup everyone looked exhausted and angry heheheheh

Are they going to be filming on Monday too?
If so Ill try to remember to bring my camera when I make the delivery there. Im not driving today.

theyre filming untill the 4th here.
oh also, one more pics from our windows. the SS blowed up :slight_smile:
enjoy. i figure this kind of shit lets me demand pics from the rest of you at any time i want to!:thumbup

My friend saw “The Rock” on the set today.

I forgot they were filming this today too, I saw a little of it.
