They're filming The Other Guys right under our windows

I can see the cars driving down broadway, stop, back up into the same position and do it over again and again :slight_smile:


/typical vot response

LOL, thats funny Marty.
I can take pics with my phone, but it doesnt zoom in that well. Its just look like any other street in Albany though. Theyre making it look realistic, just less people on the sdiewalks.

I just heard automatic gun fire outside our building on N Pearl… They are shooting a Will farrell movie here all week i guess.

You mean you heard gunfire on S. Pearl? Yeah thats normal :lol


haha Hopefully its a movie

Movie: The Other Guys (2010) - IMDb

Eva told me about the shoot last night.

pics and vids please

if i walk over there during lunch or after work, maybe :smiley:

Filming for this movie will take place in Albany, NY on Wednesday Sept. 23. (We just got info about the bus schedule changing from 5am - 8pm to facilitate filming

WTF is “The Other Guys”?

Filming for this movie will take place in Albany, NY on Wednesday Sept. 23. (We just got info about the bus schedule changing from 5am - 8pm to facilitate filming

A spoof police movie with will ferrel and some other famous fuckers

Nice! Pics? :lol





thats sickkk. is that a porsche or a VW??