
well here is the short.

i got to the chow hall at 0600 . well i go to take my tray back and and bam my jacket is gone…my millatary Gortex jacket…well there is $300 then my phone was in the pocket bam another $700…i hope i find that son of a bitch that stole my shit…i was only gone for 3 minutes…

sorry for my rant…

PS i fly jan 8th

never trust anyone for any amount of time…

sorry bout your luck

go kick some ass

sorry to hear about that man that sucks


"chow hall at 0600 "

so you were on base and somebody stole it?

I have heard that a shovel just aint for diggin a fox hole i say beat that biatches ass if you find it

that sucks ill call your phone

what goes around comes around

kick there asses

i got my shit back and they guy got arrested last night…thank god thieves are idiots…he ran his mouth and someone ratted him out

glad to hear u got ur shit back!!!

Glad to hear that Eric…I can’t believe someone would do that. It sucks having your shit stolen

was the person in the military? or just a random person?

I say you kick his ass anyways! Stupd fvcks always wanna steal shit! I was gonna tell you I have a few Gortex jackets here and I woulda gave you one if you didn’t find it but guess you are good now.


WOW what a moron lol-. Good to hear you got your stuff back…